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Bourbon Vanilla Oolong

Bourbon Vanilla Oolong


  • FLORAL FAMILY ⎪ Creamy, peachy, floral notes

An elegant Huang Jin Gui oolong tea delicately scented with Bourbon vanilla bean to enhance its toasty profile with peachy osmanthus notes.



Oolong is a semi-fermented tea variety from China, fermented for longer than green tea, but less than black tea. As such, it is a unique kind defined by its delightful combination of sweet, osmanthus-like creamy floral and toasty base notes and a true luxurious delight.

There are various oolong cultivars, thus each oolong tea has its own aromatic profile. Our organic oolong is premium variety, called "Huang Jin Gui" from Axi in the Wuyi Mountains Fujian province, distinguished by its extraordinary fragrant flavour. We amplified its velvety undertones with premium Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans and bean powder.


Tea type: Huang Jin Gui Oolong
Origin: China
Strength: Medium-low caffeine (10-60mg per 8oz cup)
Tea time:
Morning, afternoon, evening

 Smooth vanilla, Crisp fruity-green.
Body: Creamy apricot, Sweet floral
Finish: Toasty, Earthy vanilla

Mood elevating, alertness, relaxing
Body: Antioxidant, brain health, weight loss

Are you a fan of subtly flavoured teas with nuanced tasting profiles? Then, give our exceptional Bourbon Vanilla oolong a try to immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance of a blossoming Chinese garden within your tea.

We delicately infused it with Grade A Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans and a touch of natural creamy vanillin, without overpowering this natural beauty with a vanilla beast flavour. The result is delightful with luxurious silky hints of vanilla gracefully dancing in each cup that will reveal new layers of notes if you keep refilling your cup with hot water, for a truly enchanting multisensory experience.


Base: Huang Jin Gui Oolong tea
Essential oil accord: Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans and powder and natural vanillin ex-clove.

Vegan, no artificial flavours or preservatives.


Steeping: Oolong steeping is an art that requires mastery and patience. Learn how to steep your oolong like a tea master. First, boil water at 180-185℉. Let it cool for 5 minutes. Then, fill the pot with hot water. Add 0.5 teaspoon of leaves per cup and sit for no more than 5 seconds, then discard the water. This is called "the rinse" or the first steeping stage. This step allows to unfurl the rolled spherical oolongs that need room to expand fully in the pot. Once again, fill the pot with 190℉ water, pour over the leaves, steep for 10-20 seconds, then pour the tea through a strainer from the original pot to a transparent glass pot. Finally, pour the tea from the glass pot into you tea cup. This will ensure that each person will experience the same flavour in each pour.
You may continue steeping as many times as you like, adding 5-10 seconds to each. You will see the evolution of the leaves and how deep the colour of the tea become. More importantly, note the changing flavour with each steep. Once the tea is no longer strong, end the process as the leaves have been fully extracted.

Perfect pairing

Oolong tea goes with almost everything. Pair it with citrus fruits, soft or smoked cheese, seafood, salads and herby dishes, fruity desserts, smoked cheeses and meats.

Safety disclaimer

  • This product contains botanicals as technically, vanilla bean is a fruit and not a spice, as a whole spice and extraction containing a concentrated amount of vanillin and other chemical components.
  • Our tea is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. If you are pregnant or have a medical condition, please consult your health provider prior to use a herbal product.
  • May have been in contact with tree nuts, seeds, peanuts, wheat, egg, milk.
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